
Wednesday 4 June 2008

First Minister Paisley; Leaving on a positive note?

On the 12th May 2008 during question time, First Minister Paisley responded to the request from North Belfast MLA, Caral Ni Chuilin, for the establishment of a specific North Belfast Task Force which would address issues of interface and conflict resolution.

The First Minister (Rev Dr Ian Paisley): The future that we look forward to will be one without barriers, in which society is characterised by respect, tolerance and interdependence, while sectarianism and racism are consigned to the past. In that context, significant progress has been made in the past three years to improve relationships. The Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister (OFMDFM) wishes to ensure that those improved relationships in the community continue.

In his closing statement in the 22 April Adjournment debate on the interfaces in North Belfast, the junior Minister Mr Donaldson confirmed that the Member’s proposal of creating a task force for the North Belfast constituency would be considered

(The First Minister also responded to the remarks of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg re: Interface walls being a barrier to international investment);

The First Minister: During the US-NI investment conference last week, Mayor Bloomberg called for the removal of peace walls if Northern Ireland is to become a leading hub for global investment. Although I welcomed his remarks, any plans to remove peace walls must be primarily community-driven. The people must act. Outsiders pulling down walls will accomplish nothing. However, when those living on either side of the wall agree to take it down, we will have won a great victory. I look forward to that victory being sealed over and over again in the areas where there has been great trouble in the past.

(Will the N. I Assembly, the future First & Deputy First Ministers and North Belfast MLA's continue to work on MLA Ni Chuilin's proposals?)

An Roisin Dubh

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